Green Dream Broccoli Soup

Prep Time

5-10 minutes


Prep Notes



2 large servings or 4 small ones



  • 4 cups fresh steamed broccoli florets (feel free to use the stems, too)

  • 1 large cooked sweet potato, skin removed and discarded•½” knob of fresh turmeric root (or 1 teaspoon, ground turmeric)

  • 2 tablespoons, organic, pastured ghee or your choice of healthy fat (1/2 of a large avocado works too!)

  • 1 tablespoon MCT or coconut oil (if using coconut oil, melt it first)

  • 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice

  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt, or, to taste

  • green onions, chopped, for topping (you can also steam them with the broccoli if you prefer. I like them better that way because they aren't as potent)



1. Combine the steamed broccoli, sweet potato, turmeric, ghee (or avocado), oil, lemon juice, and salt into the pitcher of a high-speed blender.

2. Process on high or until ingredients are smooth (about 90 seconds).

3. Serve warm, with green onions on top.



Author: Carrie Forrest, MBA/MPH