Spicy Chocolate Smoothie


  • 1 heaping teaspoon of raw cacao power (and cinnamon—also add ginger, pinch of turmeric, and fresh ground black pepper- yes do it)

  • 1 cup vanilla unsweetened almond or coconut milk

  • 1 and 1/2 Tbsp OR 1/4cup (gluten free) oats (can be soaked or not)

  • 1/2 medium-sized banana, frozen or room temperature but not overly ripe (save those for banana bread)

  • 1 tablespoon freshly ground flax

  • 3 tablespoons hemp seeds

  • 2 tbsp water


Heat the almond/coconut milk. (Microwave or stove top) until the mixture is warm. Add to blender. (do NOT boil)
Add the oats, banana, hemp, flax, water and approx. a fifth of the almond milk to your blender. Add in an extra splash of cold water if you think the liquid is too warm or too thick. 
Blend on high for a minute until the oats and seeds have been completely incorporated.
While blending, further heat the rest of the almond/chocolate mix until hot, but not boiling.
Pour the blended oat mix into your cup, stir in the almond/chocolate mix and serve.