Immunity Boosting Gummies


  • 1 Cup coconut milk

  • 2 Tablespoons grated fresh ginger

  • 2 Tablespoons monk sweetener (or more to taste)

  • 1 Tablespoon grated fresh turmeric

  • 2 Tablespoons powdered gelatin

  • You will also need silicone candy or ice cube molds

  • Also great to sneak in some powdered probiotics to this one AFTER the heating, stir in!


  1. Set the silicone mold(s) onto a tray and set aside

  2. Place the coconut milk, ginger, turmeric and sweetener into a small saucepan and slowly heat the liquid until it is just starting to simmer.

  3. Remove the saucepan from the heat and set aside for 15 - 30 minutes to allow the aromatics to infuse the coconut milk.

  4. Strain the coconut milk through a fine sieve, mixing the ground ginger and turmeric with a spoon to ensure you extract all the milk.

  5. Rinse the saucepan and add the strained coconut milk. (If you are using honey as your sweetener, stir it in now.)

  6. Sprinkle the gelatin over the surface of the coconut milk, whisking gently as you do so to incorporate it into the milk.

  7. Allow the milk to sit for 2-3 minutes, which allows the gelatin to absorb some liquid. This process is called 'blooming'. The coconut milk will turn to a thick paste, which is how it is supposed to look. Don't panic.

  8. Return the saucepan to a low heat, and whisk continuously until the gelatin melts and the mixture becomes smooth. You should not be able to see any little specks of gelatin remaining in the milk.

  9. Blend in the probiotic once it’s cooled a bit.

  10. Remove from the heat and spoon into your molds.

  11. Place the molds into the fridge for 30 minutes or until firm.

  12. Pop out your gummies and enjoy!


There is enough gelatin in this recipe for a firm set, but the gummy is not overly chewy. If you prefer a firmer set increase the gelatin to 3 Tablespoons per cup of liquid.
Keep the gummies in a sealed container in the fridge. They should last at least a week.
Just remember that the base color of these is yellow-brown so choose your coloring accordingly. You can add a splash of juice to alter the color if needed.